lunes, julio 14, 2008

Having fun! or not...

Can you fuck ("make love", "make sweet music", or "be intimate with" - Thanks to Jenny-tal) Kill Bill 2? I think it's dangerous. Can you get drunk with it? Of course not, it won't work. Well, since I'm alone here in my "loft", and everybody is gone, I was saved by Kill Bill 2 last night (as I said in the last post). But well, how do you know when you aren't having fun on weekend? Easy, when you still have a pair of these on sunday:

Condoms & Alka-Seltzer. Is funny that they are so similiar. The package is almost the same. Maybe, the only difference would be that condoms are made to prevent, and Alka-Seltzer to cure.

But not everything's lost. I have a pool here, at South Bermejales (a country near to the nearest ville to the highway to Seville), so maybe I could go someday and.. have fun and all that stuff.


I don't care! I want my Xbox!

Update: Now that I readed it, no, I didn't mention anything about Kill Bill before.

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