sábado, octubre 27, 2007

Have a little cup of my SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I hate a lot of things. I really do. And I hate when people say "You should love everything you do". Well, that's my damn problem! I don't love my work, I hate it, but that doesn't mean that I don't need it. I need to work. Why? Because I'm that kind of boy who loves to buy a lot of shit. With that misery of salary I'm not going to live like a king, I'm not going either to maintain a family! So why the hell I'm still doing what I don't like to do? I do it to be able to do whatever I want someday (hopefully very soon).

If I'd love everything I do, surely I'd be one of those guys that I despise: a mediocre. I'd "love" my work and I wouldn't search for something better, I'd love my car (well, I love it...) and I'd be satisfied with that little Peugeot... but! If for some stupid reason I say: "One of my objectives is a Lamborghinni". DAMN! "CRUCIFY THAT MATERIALIST MOTHER FUCKER!!". C'mon, people! Maybe is better to love what you do rather than love money, or gadgets, or whatever money can buy; but we're living in a materialist world, so you can't sit and watch the beautiful flying butterflies and sing that everything is so colorful.

Why am I writing this? I don't know, maybe 'cause I'm beginning to get so pissed off for people's attitude about life, love, money and judging anyone who is telling the truth: a car, an ipod, a home, some drugs, or whatever could bring happiness, and how can you get a car, an ipod, a home or some drugs? With money.

So, I'm not supposed to love what I'm doing now (although it would be excellent), but I must love what I'm going to do. It's all about objectives and planning a life. Yeah, maybe I could die tomorrow and I would't enjoyed my life... well, that would be funny and sad at the same time! =) .... =(

Don't worry, I love to write, I almost love my university, I'm ok with my friends (I love'em too), and everything is pretty. But please, if you're goint to say that shit about loving everything, shut the fuck up or I'll fill you mouth with "love".

7 comentarios:

modestmouse67 dijo...

dude it's so true with all the shit you said. everyone is so fake and gay. thank you for actually writing some thing in English i can't wait till you write more. You're awesome

Anónimo dijo...

Y Writting the angel se nos internacionaliza!!! Congratulations Gino, you are now world wide famous!!

Kassiuz dijo...

Jodete materialista hijo de puta!!! me voy tengo ke ir a comprar mi lamborghini(o como demnios se escriba a kien le importa como escribes cuando tienes dinero...y un corazon de oro....puro!)

Anónimo dijo...

You're just starting to see the real world, but living in a material world does not mean you cannot succeed, work hard and honest, you'll soon get rewarded with something invaluable and there's when you'll start to love everything. Lets put it like this: Try not to buy anything, don't use your car, don't watch tv, don't do anything related to money and you'll start to love everything you got at this moment.

Anónimo dijo...

si, esta bien concuerdo con tigo, en eso de el amor, para amrar cosas tienes que odiar otras, yo odio la puta universidad y sus mediocridades, pero me gusta creer que amare lo que voy a ser, auque creo que tener ipods no me va a hacer feliz, seria muyyyyyyyyyyy chingon tener uno pero no creo que me diera la felicidad

Anónimo dijo...

Pinche Gino me cae que estas bien fregado, bienvenido al club.

Anónimo dijo...

ur englosh suck-ass.

get cancer.